The rare photographs are from Giraben Sarabhai and the text is in Anasuyaben’s own words. This is neither an attempt at labour history, nor is it a comprehensive account of Motaben’s life and work. The attemp is to offer vignettes from a period of her active public life to get a glimpse of a woman’s leadership in the early 1900s, and her role in the formation of the labour movement in India.
Motaben Exhibition on 05 to 20 July, 2016
CSMVS, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3026 people had visited Motaben exhibition.

Motaben Exhibition on 16 to 29 July, 2013
IIC, New Delhi, India
4800 people had visited Motaben exhibition.

Motaben Exhibition on 05 to 20 November, 2012
Shanti Sadan, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
4500 people had visited Motaben Exhibition.